Troughout the years, Heiman has been creating a new discipline, oscillating between art history, psychoanalysis, photography and human rights, with an emphasis on women’s rights. in her work, which is deeply rooted in the political and social arenas, Heiman often uses existing visual meterial, bringing forth her critical voice to bear on issues of gender, sex, cultural and familial memory and more. in this gallery, we have collected some of Heiman’s most iconic works, created as a part of her ongoing reseach of the cultural and psychoanalytic history of hysteria, focusing on visual history.
Selected works from the installation A Million One Hundred Thinking Women, digitally manipulated readymade photographs from Invention of Hysteria: Charcot and the Photographic Iconography of the Salphêtrière by George Didi-Huberman with stamps.

Still from Father Not Uncle (Freude/ Katharina)